Blog - Asia Suler


A Personal Update from Me

How are you, dear one? Since I last wrote, our whole family spent a month alternatively snowed and iced in up on the mountain. We’ve cycled through several rounds of sickness, cancelled more plans than I can keep track of, and have now found ourselves in the mud of February, glimpsing the first snowdrops of…

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The Life Cycle of your Ideas

Every living being on Earth has their own destiny and life cycle… So do your creative visions. Creativity can feel mysterious, but when you understand where you are in the cycle, you can get clear on exactly where to put your energy—and have a nearly clairvoyant sense of what will come next… Where are you in your creative journey, dear…

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When I Lost Everything

I had a very big experience this past fall—one that changed the trajectory of my life. Last autumn, I lost my business (the one I’ve been building for over a decade). During Hurricane Helene the building that housed my apothecary, classroom, sanctuary and client space was buried until nine feet of water when our entire town was…

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What You Desire is Important

I used to doubt my desires. I questioned their necessity, put them on the backburner, let them be a “treat” for when I finished my real work. But now I see desire differently. What you desire isn’t a diversion…it’s a directive. It’s the compass that shows you where to go next—how to cross that passage…

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Intuitive Reading for 2025

Every year I sit down and ask the Earth to show me an image, a metaphor that will help us navigate the year ahead. This year, way before I even asked, the image just fell into my mind… And I was fascinated by what I saw—an ember-red ring surrounding a center of darkness. I started calling it…

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Most Beloved Blogposts

What it Means When You “Fail”

This time last year I was in the first few days of postpartum. Snow blanketed the earth, its white light entering our home like a soul while I nestled in bed with my daughter. It was a time of profound, newborn joy. I remember lying next to her, cheek as close as I could get,…

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The Earth is your Valentine

In English we only really have one word for love. In Ancient Greek, however, there was a whole vocabulary to describe the wondrous variety of love that we can experience on this planet. There was philia for friendship love, stroge for the love of one’s kin and, of course, the infamous eros, that burning…

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Shadow Work is Active

Shadow work is light work. The two have always gone hand in hand. You cannot walk into illumination without activating the shadow. It is impossible to stand, in daylight or moon-remembrance, and not cast a darkness at your own feet. Having a shadow is part of the bargain of being here on this planet….

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