Category: Illuminations
Intuitive Reading for 2025
Every year I sit down and ask the Earth to show me an image, a metaphor that will help us navigate the year ahead. This year, way before I even asked, the image just fell into my mind… And I was fascinated by what I saw—an ember-red ring surrounding a center of darkness. I started calling it…
How to Be a Sensitive in this World
This summer I sent out a survey to my fellow sensitives here and asked: what do you struggle with most about being sensitive? We had over 700 people reply to this question and amazingly, the same answer came up again and again…. We, as sensitive people, are overwhelmed by this world. Over half of you responded that the hardest…
I Want you to Understand Yourself, Dear One
I was lying on the kitchen floor, weeping. I had just gotten home from a show at our local bar. The night had been loud and overwhelming with a crush of people whose names had skipped right out of my mind. Even though I was in the middle of a big time in my life,…
Something for my Fellow Sensitives
Years ago, I heard the call for something to change in my work. Not that I was on the wrong track, but that there was a new level to my offerings, one that contained the truest seeds of my mission in this lifetime… I was being called to work with other sensitives. Because sensitives carry a magic…
I can’t Believe it’s been Two Years
Somehow it’s been two years since Mirrors in the Earth first came out… In some ways it feels like it’s been no time at all, and in other ways it feels as if I’ve lived an entire life. When the book first released I had a four month old baby. My entire world had just gotten turned…
What is your “Earth-Given Voice”?
You have a voice that is absolutely unique to you, dear one. It’s part of why you came here to this planet. I call this voice—this way of being, expressing and emanating in the world—your “earth-given” voice. And life-changing things can happen when you embody it. Connecting to my own earth-given voice helped me birth my first…
How to Always Sit at your Center
Walk into any landscape and you’ll hear a choir of voices. The birds calling to one another from the swishing branches of a tree. The mycelium whispering to the soil. The brook speaking to the stones who are humming into the heart of everything. Each voice in the natural world is important, each voice has…
Why you’re Meant to Work with Plants
I used to not know how to “be” in this world. I mean, I knew how to respond to emails and return my library books, but there was an undercurrent to life that often felt uncomfortable, as if I was living in a world that wasn’t actually built for me. I had to steel myself to do…