Category: The Otherworld
What is Lost is Not Gone
The tender ebbing of autumn is everywhere I look in the mountains. The trees shaking loose their gold leaf. The last apples falling from branches, the ceramic blue of the sky echoing behind it all, empty as a holy vessel. And then there’s the other losses, terrible and life-changing, that we’ve experienced this last month…
Your Connection to the Otherworld
It always surprises me. I’m not sure why, I should know by now that it’s coming. As soon as the temperature tips, the dreams start again. Nearly every night my loved ones who’ve passed appear—vividly, repeatedly, and always with some sort of task. The task is different every year. Sometimes it’s a ritual to bring healing…
Your Otherworld Task
Every autumn there is a deep, fire-lit opportunity to make a lasting change in your life. As the Earth shifts through her colors, you have the ability to shift just as rapidly in your own evolution and expansion. Change is possible all year-round, of course, but when the distance between the worlds thins in autumn, you’re able…
Connect with your Past Life Guides
Who you’ve been holds great wisdom. When we need answers, we usually look outside of ourselves for help. And yet, each of us carries a memory bank of profound inner knowing and experience. What if, every time we thought we needed to seek a psychic or pick a tarot card all we actually needed was to contact our…
Are you a Psychopomp?
I remember the first time I had one of the dreams. My older friend, who was like an auntie to me, had died. I was a teenager and deeply distraught so I drove to my best friend’s house to sleep over with her that night. I woke at dawn the next morning, holding my eyes open…
What is your Second Song?
I’m sitting in a dark room nursing my daughter. It’s midday or it’s midnight and I’m here in the room because it’s the only place where she’ll settle. I’m here because I need to be. I’m here because there’s nowhere else to be. I’m here in a dark room singing the second song of my life….
Who are your Deep Ancestors?
There is a root that stretches back in time. Follow that root far enough and you’ll reach ancestors for whom you have no names. Follow that root long enough and you’ll meet those who hold the memories that can heal our world. When I was first introduced to ancestor work I was taught to…
Your Secret Dreams Can Come True
We all have secret dreams. Dreams that live at the very heart of us, feeding us with vision and hope. These dreams sustain us, and yet we keep them secret because part of us believes they’re impossible. The dream of true love, a home in the woods, a life spent following one’s passions. The dream…