Want to book Asia for a podcast or speaking engagement? Check out the Media Kit for our contact form, approved assets and press info.
Want to book Asia for a podcast or speaking engagement? Check out the Media Kit for our contact form, approved assets and press info.
“Suler’s sense of wonder is infectious, and her prose exudes her boundless reverence for nature…Spiritual nature lovers will treasure [her] meditative [work]”
Listen to Asia's Most Recent Interview
The Power of Plant Communication on Herb Mentor Radio
Sometimes the most powerful medicine comes from slowing down, doing less, and getting present. When we can be with what is, including the plant beings that grow around us, doors open for true healing to come in. In this episode with Learning Herb’s Tara and John, Asia shares practices for coming into presence, an herbal ally for deep nourishment, the power of being a highly sensitive person in this world, her lessons from early motherhood, and more. Listen in for a gentle conversation between plant lovers.