Category: Fall
What your Ancestors Want you to Know
There is an entire choir of ancestors looking over you. These wise ones are space holders for your whole lineage. They are vibrant, connected and healed—and they want to help you find the healing you need. Your ancestors are always sending you messages. It might be the vibration your body feels when you see a picture of…
Connect with your Past Life Guides
Who you’ve been holds great wisdom. When we need answers, we usually look outside of ourselves for help. And yet, each of us carries a memory bank of profound inner knowing and experience. What if, every time we thought we needed to seek a psychic or pick a tarot card all we actually needed was to contact our…
Who are your Deep Ancestors?
There is a root that stretches back in time. Follow that root far enough and you’ll reach ancestors for whom you have no names. Follow that root long enough and you’ll meet those who hold the memories that can heal our world. When I was first introduced to ancestor work I was taught to…
Your Secret Dreams Can Come True
We all have secret dreams. Dreams that live at the very heart of us, feeding us with vision and hope. These dreams sustain us, and yet we keep them secret because part of us believes they’re impossible. The dream of true love, a home in the woods, a life spent following one’s passions. The dream…
The Call to Pilgrimage
Last week the fall winds arrived. They came in a great gust on the equinox, turning the leaves upside down and silver. By nightfall the humidity of summer had dropped away, and the first truly cold evening of the season made the stars sharpen. Every year the winds of autumn usher in the same…
The Best Way To Honor Your Ancestors
I always seem to have big things happen in autumn. Job changes, new relationships, the passing of loved ones, windfalls, leases and losses. I used to think it was just random— but now I know that the constellation of your life simply becomes more malleable this time of the year. In part, because the most…
A Beginner’s Guide to Water Magic
The oldest magic on Earth never died. It’s still flowing down the hillsides, literally falling from the sky. Before humans worked with plants or stones, the first source of medicine was water. Across my ancestral lands— the British Isles and European continent— some of the oldest sites of worship are springs, uprisings from the Earth…
Returning To Life
The bright copper of October has finally faded into the brown of November. There are more leaves on the ground then the trees now. When I walk my dog we kick them up in great fluffy piles. Like autumn butterflies, each leaf shows me what transformation can look like. Every season tells an invisible,…