Category: Winter
Your invite to Winter Intuition School
I’m feeling a call this winter. Maybe more so than any winter before… The call to go deeper. Are you feeling it too? The pull to go beneath the surface of the world, with all its temporal crises, and touch that which hums underneath it all. That whale-deep body of wisdom that is older than our…
The Center of your Magic
The days leading up to the solstice are a kind of peak— a peak of darkness, a peak in the calendar year, and a peak of activity. And yet, as a sensitive and an empath, I’ve always loved this time of the year for its interiority—the call to sit at the heart of the mountain…
Kindling a Fire on Cold Nights
I sat in front of the cold woodstove. We hadn’t had a fire since last season, so it took me a minute to remember the rhythm. I kindled the small flame with dried orange scraps and then I fed it—bit by bit. I built the fire thoughtfully, working my way through the wood until I…
You *are* the Oracle
Have you ever picked a tarot card only to have it confirm what you already knew? Or consulted an intuitive and realized that all you really needed was affirmation that you could trust what you were feeling? Looking back at all the major turning points in your life… can you sense the part of you…
Winter Intuition School…Online!
Eight years ago I taught my first in-depth intuition program. In a small living room, seated on floor chairs, a group of us got together to explore the inner arts. The program I developed was an infusion of the most potent tools I use to connect to my own inner knowing—shamanic journeying, dreamwork, channeling, working…
The Forgotten Celtic Omen Days
I’ve always thought there was something special about the days between Christmas and the New Year. The weeks leading up to Solstice are, of course, full of magic—especially when the celebrations are steeped in the earth’s rhythms, herbcraft and mystical lore. But there’s a distinct magic to the week following. The days between Christmas and the start of the…
An Ancestral Practice for Winter Visioning
The most profound wisdom arrives in moments of stillness. That’s why the dark days surrounding the winter solstice are such a rich time for visioning. And it’s also why the holiday hubbub can feel so challenging. This time of the year, it seems like every molecule within wants to slow down. Because inside us is a deep ancestral tug,…
When your Identity Shifts
I woke up and the walls were glowing like canvas under floodlight. Before I even opened my eyes, I knew— it had snowed that night. In the swoop of a single day the whole landscape had changed. The hemlocks drooped as if dressed in heavy silks. Boulders slept under downy cloaks. The creek stood out…