What your Ancestors Want you to Know

There is an entire choir of ancestors looking over you. These wise ones are space holders for your whole lineage. They are vibrant, connected and healed—and they want to help you find the healing you need.
Your ancestors are always sending you messages.
It might be the vibration your body feels when you see a picture of a landscape where you’ve never been.
Or the song that comes on the playlist and brings tears to your eyes.
The book that rings in you like a bell or the dream you had this morning.
Our ancestors talk to us all year long—but in autumn it’s as if the webbing that stood in the way of our hearing is suddenly cleared.
In many cultures around the world autumn is considered a particularly mystical season. As life moves from the visible world back into the unseen, we have the ability to shift our attention from the outward trappings of life into the invisible realm. To work magic, speak to the ancestors and initiate a new beginning.
So what do your ancestors want you to know about this fall season? What kind of healing awaits you this autumn?
Check out my brand new divination reading in the video below.
Just pick the medicine that’s calling to you, and get a message from your ancestors.
Autumn is an opportunity. It’s a time for baked pies and feet by the fire, for jumping in piles of leaves and watching the crowns of the trees turn gold—but it’s also a time when deep healing can happen.
If any of the medicines in the video are calling to you, I’d love to send you an essence.
And if you’re feeling the nudge to go deeper into your connection with the unseen, come join me in Herbs for the Otherworld.
I often find people’s ancestors will bring them to this course because there is just so much potential for magic to happen this season.
Here’s what folks have said about their experience…
“The way Asia brings [these] energies alive and available brought me more than once into tears. Tears of coming home, tears of recognition, tears of gratitude, tears of love, tears of forgiveness, tears of acknowledgement.”
“I did the meditation on Samhain Eve and I woke up a whole new person.”
“I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to sign up! I had the most potent Samhain I’ve ever experienced, and spent that night journeying with my ancestors. Whatever portal you helped open up, I thank you. I feel so connected and in awe of the magic this little course provided.”
Wherever the nudge, the messages, or the hints are taking you—follow it. Your ancestors are guiding you towards exactly what you need in order to heal this autumn.
P.S. On the subject of the potent, specific, miraculous healing opportunity of fall… I am SO excited about a live class I’m teaching in the days leading up to Samhain (Halloween) this month. Stay tuned for more info next week. But for now I’ll say… if you’re unsure what exactly the otherworld is asking you to do to initiate healing this season, this class will help you get crystal clear.
You’ve done it again Asia! Thank you so much for these divination videos, they speak directly to my soul. So much love to you, and please keep them coming 🙂
Thank you for sharing the message, Asia. I was about to go with reishi until I saw ghost pipe. All I know about it came from Herbs for the Otherworld, which I listened to last year. When you started talking about healing generational pain and trauma, the tears were immediate. My intention today was to write to my father, who passed in 2011, and meditate on the pain and other emotions that still linger there. I was drawn to you for guidance, and it feels like I landed in the right place. Thank you for the mantra and the affirmation that I can be the person who heals my line- I’m ready to go deep. I’ll be using the meditation from Herbs for the Otherworld later. <3
This is so powerful Dana <3 Asia has written in the past about "truth tears," and how when they come, we know an important reclamation is underway. Here's what she says:
"When something just hits you as so irrevocably true, so deeply in tune with your being, that part of you just weeps. Often these tears take me by surprise, like finding a precious heirloom that has been lost for a long time. In that moment, the dam that was blocking you from remembering a piece of who you are, simply dissolves. And suddenly, you feel more yourself than you were just a moment ago."
It feels like this is both a gift you are bringing both to yourself, and your family line, in this intention, and I know Asia will be touched that the divination and class can be supportive of such a powerful time of transition <3 Thank you so much for sharing the love and magic with us here, and I'm sending love, blessings, and care on behalf of our team for the journey to come.
The video actually jumped to ghostpipe on it’s own, and ghostpipe was the medicine I was most drawn to. Feels like a good fit since it’s been a deep two weeks already. Thank you Asia ❤️
Wow!! That is truly something. Thank you for sharing this powerful sign Iiris <3 One way that Asia has described Ghost Pipe comes to mind—"like a candle on the forest floor." It feels like Ghost Pipe, and your ancestors, are holding candles for you through this journey <3
That is beautiful. Thank you, Shannon ❤️
I chose Reishi. Extremely resonant. I’ve been on an intense journey for the past 7 years working on healing from my bipolar disorder and truly felt like something was dying within but now recently have felt that I’ve reached a turning point in that journey. I feel that things are really starting to shift and open for me. What’s cool too is how the time stamp for that one was at 7:01, like my 7 year journey. 🙂 7 has always been a potent resonant number for me and now I’m seeing it everywhere constantly. This felt very comforting and validating to hear the messages from this fungi. I’ve been drawn to Reishi over the past year already, now I’m excited to do even deeper work with this medicine. Thank you ancestors, and thank you Asia!
Oh! And now I’m writing the seventh comment on here, there it is again!
Three sevens!!! I love that Zorya—thank you so much for sharing this magic with us. I know Asia will be heart-warmed that this divination could help affirm and celebrate all the healing you’ve done in the lead up to this time of newness and opening. Sending so much One Willow love your way; we’d love to hear if you end up diving deep with reishi!
Thank you. I was drawn to the Hawthorn Tree. I have struggled to fully embrace my gift despite the many signs of its presence. I believe it is a message to finally let go of outside validation and to truly sit in my power.
Hi Chantal, this is a beautiful takeaway! With the way Hawthorn’s medicine can help our hearts feel protected, I am so seeing the connection with how your inner validation will hold the space for your gifts to shine. Thank you for sharing this power and medicine here 🙌
I’m drawn to Ghost Pipe. I’ve been doing a lot of hiking lately and have been seeing it frequently. I’m not sure what is broken in my ancestral line…. but I have been drawn to the idea of meditation and going to a reiki session. Thanks for sharing this video.
Thank you for connecting Stephanie! Doesn’t ghost pipe just stop you in your tracks? It always feels so special to me to see.
For many folks in the world today, our family lines have been so long-impacted by colonization, oppression, and destructive economic models that it can become like water to fish—we hardly know it’s there, because it’s all we (or our name-able ancestors) have ever seen or known! As Asia’s written about, when we go back far enough in our lines, we will eventually come to people who were able to live peacefully, in deep connection with the Earth. Ghost Pipe and our healing practices can help us reconnect with that mode of being <3
Thank you, Asia! I chose Reishi and your message brought instant tears – it was spot on. I’ve been so impatient with this process and have tried to rush through it but this really helped me surrender and understand that I am on time.
This is beautiful Christine! Thank you for letting us know how it landed with you—I know that will mean so much to Asia. It reminds me of this piece she once wrote:
“Being willing to be on a longer timeline isn’t just healing for our nervous systems, or more generous for our relationships, it is medicine for the entire world. The fast-paced culture we’ve gotten used to replicating is part of what has so depleted the planet we live on, beginning with our own inner resources.
When we slow down, when we’re willing to be on a longer timeline, we rejoin Earth time. We reconnect with the Ancestors in deep time. And we can transform the times to come.”
So apt for this moment <3
This definitely resonated with me. I chose Hawthorn and have been drawn to and recently signed up for a psychic activation course. Thanks for this video, it was super insightful! I’ll look into ordering the Hawthorn flower essence to support my journey!
I love that you just signed up for this course Lindsey! How perfect. Thank you for sharing!!
That was extraordinary. I felt drawn to Ghost Pipe and the message fit what I am already experiencing perfectly and my bigger mission here as a Wellspring. Thank you so much
So beautiful Maginel. Thank you so much for being here, and for the wellspring of beauty you bring to this world.