
You *are* the Oracle

Have you ever picked a tarot card only to have it confirm what you already knew? Or consulted an intuitive and realized that all you really needed was affirmation that you could trust what you were feeling? Looking back at all the major turning points in your life… can you sense the part of you…

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A Reading for 2023

Every winter, before the new year peeks over the hill, I take some time to tune into the Earth and ask… what’s coming up for us in this new year? I drop into my intuitive connection and the invisible wisdom we all have access to, and find out… What blessings can we expect? What challenges are here to help us grow? What guidance…

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The Forgotten Celtic Omen Days

I’ve always thought there was something special about the days between Christmas and the New Year. The weeks leading up to Solstice are, of course, full of magic—especially when the celebrations are steeped in the earth’s rhythms, herbcraft and mystical lore. But there’s a distinct magic to the week following. The days between Christmas and the start of the…

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Are you a Psychopomp?

I remember the first time I had one of the dreams.  My older friend, who was like an auntie to me, had died. I was a teenager and deeply distraught so I drove to my best friend’s house to sleep over with her that night. I woke at dawn the next morning, holding my eyes open…

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What is your Second Song?

I’m sitting in a dark room nursing my daughter. It’s midday or it’s midnight and I’m here in the room because it’s the only place where she’ll settle. I’m here because I need to be. I’m here because there’s nowhere else to be. I’m here in a dark room singing the second song of my life….

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Most Beloved Blogposts

What your Favorite Flower Says About You

I hadn’t stepped foot outside in weeks. Freshly post-partum, I’d been nestled in bed since my daughter’s birth. Since that time we’d already seen several snows, and at least one night when our pipes froze solid, but today the sun was shining. Today, the first daffodils were blooming, and every fiber of my body was yearning…

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The Plants are Holding You

We are in the full tilt of summer here and the trees around my house have filled in the cove surrounding me, turning my stilted home into a kind of bassinet in the grove. In the winds of a thunderstorm my house rocks, ever-so-slightly, and when the wind moves through the leaves it is…

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When Violets Speak

I first moved to these mountains in spring. Early spring, when things are still raw with beginning. It felt fitting. I had left behind my entire life in New York City— my relationship, my community and career— to start anew in Appalachia. I brought only what would fit into my car, leaving space for…

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