A Reading for 2023

Every winter, before the new year peeks over the hill, I take some time to tune into the Earth and ask… what’s coming up for us in this new year?
I drop into my intuitive connection and the invisible wisdom we all have access to, and find out…
What blessings can we expect?
What challenges are here to help us grow?
What guidance will help us walk into this new year with confidence and hope?

This year I feel truly lit up by what came through…possibility, lightness, reprieve, and self-trust.

Come listen to my intuitive reading for 2023 and find out why the image for this year is dawn light on cloud mountain.

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And if you want this year to be one of profound intuitive direction and connection with your own inner knowing … come join me for Winter Intuition School.
In this 5-week live class experience we’ll dive deep into the practices and pathways that will help you receive the visions you most need— answering the questions you’ve been carrying and revealing the path ahead.
The program begins on the lunar new year, but early bird registration closes this Thursday!

Sign up before January 5th to get $100 off the program.

I am truly so excited for this experience together this winter.
We have so much goodness to look forward to in 2023— and dropping into the profundity of our own inner knowing is exactly how we access it.