Winter Intuition School…Online!

Eight years ago I taught my first in-depth intuition program. In a small living room, seated on floor chairs, a group of us got together to explore the inner arts.

The program I developed was an infusion of the most potent tools I use to connect to my own inner knowing—shamanic journeying, dreamwork, channeling, working with nature spirits.

I called the program “Winter Intuition School” (or WISE, as the students started calling it) and over the years I ran it — from its humble beginnings in a living room to a week-long retreat — it became my most treasured, and transformative, wintertime experience.

On today’s solstice I’m so delighted to announce that (after so many years of you all asking)— I’m finally bringing Winter Intuition School online!

Come join me for this 5-week live class experience and make a direct connection to your own inner knowing.

Become fluent in the language of your own intuition—and create a container for real magic this winter.

Class begins January 22nd (the lunar new year!). But if you’re ready to gift yourself a transformative retreat this winter, sign up before January 5th to get $100 off the course.

The practices we explore in this course are the same tools that helped me navigate chronic illness, write my book, start my business, and follow my own north star. They sustained me, healed me, showed me my path.
These are tools I turn to again and again whenever I need to reconnect.
Like the pleiades in the wintertime, they provide a map on the longest nights.
So bring your questions.
Find the answers within.
And let’s go on a journey together this wintertime.