Your Connection to the Otherworld

It always surprises me. I’m not sure why, I should know by now that it’s coming. As soon as the temperature tips, the dreams start again.
Nearly every night my loved ones who’ve passed appear—vividly, repeatedly, and always with some sort of task.
The task is different every year. Sometimes it’s a ritual to bring healing to our family lineage. Sometimes it’s something I need to do in my own life—make a pilgrimage, sign up for a new class, end a relationship.
Over the years, I’ve learned to listen.
Whether it’s an ancestor showing up in my dreams, a guide I encounter in a meditation, or the unseen energy of the Earth reaching out to me when I’m lying by the creek…
Every autumn, without fail, I’m handed a task from the Otherworld—something that has the ability to help me make a world-shifting leap in my own unfoldment.
I’ve learned over the years that healing doesn’t have to require a lot of steps. Everything doesn’t need to happen at once. Usually there’s just one single task the Otherworld is asking you to complete—and that one thing will start to shift everything.
This year, my one Otherworld task is to teach this class (happening live this Thursday).
Your Otherworld Task was designed to help you make a direct connection with the guidance of the unseen so you can find out what your one task is this season—and initiate the next era in your life.
Connecting with the Otherworld is an antidote to helplessness.
When the way forward feels too complex, too overwhelming, too tangled, it’s often a sign we need to step out of thinking from the perspective of this reality—and step into the wisdom of the Otherworld.
In recovery circles there’s an emphasis on simply doing the “the next right thing.” You don’t need to see ten steps down the road. You don’t need to know exactly how a situation will play out.
All you need to know is the next right thing.
We don’t have to understand exactly how healing can happen in order for it to take place. We just need to connect to the wider perspective that is here to guide us, and do that next thing.
So what is the one task the Otherworld is hand-delivering to you now? The one thing that is meant to bring healing not only to your world, but all worlds?
Come join me in Your Otherworld Task and find out.
Can’t make it live? No worries, I’ll be sending the replay out within 24 hours of the class so you can tune in on Saturday’s eclipse, or next week’s Samhain, or anytime you need to receive guidance from the Otherworld.