Finding Light in Dark Times

In the thick of winter it’s easy to forget that the light is actually growing each day. A week from now we’ll have an hour more sunlight than last week— and in just over a month the days will officially be longer than the nights. Though the sun may be gaining strength, early February…

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The End Before the Beginning

Marked by the longest nights of the year, the solstice season has always been defined by a profound pause. In Latin, the word “Solstice” translates as “sun stays still.”  If you watch the sunrise on the days around the Solstice, it appears as if the sun is halted in one place on the horizon….

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Small Celebrations Matter

Last week we had our first snow of the year. A dazzling down that blanketed the land in white, it felt like a hug from the sky.  After an unusually quiet Thanksgiving— and the news that Christmas would be similarly spent— the coziness of the snow felt like a gift. With the roads impassable…

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The Earth is your Valentine

In English we only really have one word for love. In Ancient Greek, however, there was a whole vocabulary to describe the wondrous variety of love that we can experience on this planet. There was philia for friendship love, stroge for the love of one’s kin and, of course, the infamous eros, that burning…

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Why I Believe

Since time immemorial this season has asked us to believe. As the days whittle down to their shortest points in the Northern hemisphere, belief is the fuel that burns the brightest, keeping the heart alight while we wait for the return of the light. The Winter Solstice was the most important yearly earth event…

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