A Beginner’s Guide to Water Magic

The oldest magic on Earth never died. It’s still flowing down the hillsides, literally falling from the sky. Before humans worked with plants or stones, the first source of medicine was water. Across my ancestral lands— the British Isles and European continent— some of the oldest sites of worship are springs, uprisings from the Earth where miracles have been reported. In the mountains where I live today, the Cherokee— the ancestral people of these lands— have a saying: take it to the water. No matter what hurt, illness, imbalance or pain you are experiencing, you can take it to the water for healing.
In the Celtic wheel of the year, autumn is associated with water. A time of depth, reflection, and intention. The fall is a liminal season where we can plant the seeds of new visions, a dream for the world to come.
This past week, as we watched swaths of the western mountains go up in pine-cracking flame, we also celebrated the autumn equinox. As we tip into fall, the reality of global warming and the profound need for humanity’s healing is flaring before our eyes.
If there was ever a time for water magic, it is now.

This time last year I was visiting the holy wells of England, my matrilineal homeland. I made pilgrimages to wells bedecked with clooties, colorful scraps of fabric hung from nearby hawthorns. I climbed into water-dark catacombs with candles dripped to the walls like crystals and hiked through cow fields to find hidden springs lined with ferns. The thing that struck me the most about these water-touched places, spaces where humans have worshiped for thousands of years, was how strongly the prayers still echoed. They were alive in a way that was hard to feel elsewhere— as if the water had kept them flowing.
Some days it can feel like life is hard as stone, the future fixed and immanent. But when we work with water, and its magic, we remember that everything is flexible. The future is malleable, the return to the wellspring already underway. We have the ability to use our intention to help usher in another way of being; a future where the waters run clear again.
As we move into the autumn season, the call to create a new prayer for your life, and the Earth, is rushing in like rain— and the water is here to help. If you are interested in working with the resurrecting magic of this first medicine, check out my new video below: A Beginners Guide to Water Magic.
In the video I go over my three favorite practices for working with water, to shift your life, bless the land and change the flow of fate.
I once had the opportunity to attend a gathering with the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. There was a fire stoked, songs shared, and ashes gathered. When the gathering came to a close these wisdom keepers from around the world were asked to share one final piece of wisdom. In unison, they said— pray for the water.
Human prayer is like water for the Earth. It nourishes the wellsprings of our planet and can move into the deepest aquifers. It is a gift that can refill any cup and help us find our own inner resources when we feel too tired to move forward.
As we go deeper into the fire of this fall, remember the power of your inner upwelling. Pray for a rain that will calm our spirits, springs that can perform miracles, a river of awakening that will show us the way home. And know that all the waters of the world are hearing your prayers.
Thank you for this inspiring video on the water medicine. I would love to share the link to this beautiful song:
Hey Mon! Shannon from the team here. Thank you for sharing this song here—it’s so beautifully resonant <3 Blessed ripples on behalf of the team.
This is really beautiful thank you Asia for this so lovely I am a empath and so in touch with this element and all the elements
Love the beginners guide to water medicine. I live near the river and at times I feel the pull to sit by its banks. I truly need to do this more often rather than waiting to be called.
Hi, I’ve just connected to your lovely energy and found out that I’m also a Wellspring.. Seems we’re not so rare after all, but that’s a good thing as we need more of us…The funniest thing is that after a lifetime of spirituality, being an energy conduit and reader, psychic and nature child, your archetype matched me to a tee and was a lovely confirmation so Thank You…As a water sign who is Australian, naturally I was born and raised by the ocean. It is my sanity and inspiration for many reasons and I have spent many years cleaning and clearing the energies of it before I can across Dr Emoto about 6 years ago. Since then, I have a daily water jug just for drinking which I pray over and visualize for nearly 8 minutes…People are amazed at the difference between my water jug and tap water. That’s why I really enjoy your website, it resonates deeply with what I have always lived and believed, so again Thank you lovely lady.
Hello! Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your journey! It is amazing how aligned you are with the Wellspring archetype! Thank you so much for sharing your medicine and gifts with the world! It’s an honor to be walking this path with you! <3
I love this blog post. Thank you for sharing such beautiful wisdom. I had an inkling on an idea years ago that the water is a potent healer, but didn’t have the background or vocabulary to explore it deeper until now, but I let my intuition guide me to make art work with the ocean, which has evolved over the last 5 years. I create art with the ocean (and rivers and lakes too), using ink I make from found charcoal taken from sacred fires. I call these art works Wave Imprints. I hope it’s ok for me to share this! You can learn more here: http://www.kaitlynbeugh.com/wave-imprints
I am surrounded by water in the Scottish Highlands….I have the Caledonian canal I walk or run by daily. There is the River Ness, Loch Ness (few miles away) Beauly Firth and Moray Firth bodies of water too.. Love water…even as a child I would drink a lot of water…. this is brilliant…thank you…I was brought up with a beach on either side of our village and would be down there every opportunity…
Hi Lorna! What a beautiful gift to be surrounded by such powerful medicine! Thank you for sharing your love of water with us. I can feel the magic from here!! <3
I only recently discovered you and did the quiz to find out what type of archetype I was. Wellspring apparently! I’ve always felt happy near water and a few months ago I felt the need to show gratitude towards water. As I don’t live near water I decided to thank the water every morning whilst showering. So it felt very appropriate to know I was Wellspring! Looking forward to learning more xx
Hi Catherine! What a beautiful way to connect with the healing power of water! We’re so happy you’re resonating with your result. Personally I am a Vein of Gold archetype but I have always been drawn to water as the ultimate healer. When I am in a tough situation, I go to a body of water to help find a solution. To show gratitude, I’ll leave a crystal, plant or song offering to the water. I’ve found that showing gratitude in this way has been one of the richest experiences in my life. Thank you for the reminder today to continue working with water! <3
I’d like to watch your video but don’t see it here .
Hi Mary, thank you for alerting us to its absence! We’re working on resolving the issue, and in the meantime you can catch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2xACTRhVBY. Waters’ blessings!