I can’t Believe it’s been Two Years

Somehow it’s been two years since Mirrors in the Earth first came out…

In some ways it feels like it’s been no time at all, and in other ways it feels as if I’ve lived an entire life.

When the book first released I had a four month old baby. My entire world had just gotten turned upside down, the contents spilled willy-nilly among the baby bottles and onesies

Looking back, I’m honestly shocked I was able to show up for the birth of this book. I somehow managed to launch this baby (and even had a book party!) while bouncing my daughter full-time on the exercise ball, ha.

(True Story: we slept at a hotel in town so I could be closer to the book party’s location and we literally traveled with the exercise ball! It took up the entire back half of our car). 

It was such a blessing to have two life-changing births happen within such a short period of time, but it was hard for me to let go of the big “nation-wide book-tour-to-meet-all-the-amazing-people” dream I had been holding onto for so long.

Which is why it’s been so amazing, so heart-filling, so profound to slowly come out of my post-partum time and hear tidings from you. Whether it was an email, a review on Amazon or Goodreads, a post on social media, or a rogue encounter in-person…every time I’ve gotten to interact with one of you around the book it’s felt like someone pressing a cup of warm, deeply medicinal tea into my hands.

Healing doesn’t even begin to cover it.

This year I feel like I’ve really turned a corner—in both motherhood and the heart journey that has been birthing this book. To celebrate, I’m offering 20% off all Mirrors in the Earth merch (ha, I’ve always wanted an opportunity to say that!) Including:

Just use the code TWOYEARS at checkout to get 20% off until July 1st! 

And if you’re working on a book, a creative project, or a birth that you’ve been dreaming of for quite some time, I just wanted to say…keep going, dear one. It’s possible. 

You have this dream for a reason. There’s a creation that only wants to come through you. And when it does, it’ll be a catalyst for more connection, more heart-to-heart friendships, more creativity, and clarity than you knew was possible.