When the Fire Went Out…
My creativity has always been a lifeline for me.
When I was trapped in an abusive relationship. When I was first diagnosed with chronic pain. When I caught Lyme disease and struggled with chronic illness…
No matter how shattering an event was, I could still envision a future, see new possibilities, remember why I was here, because I still had the ember burning inside of me that said—I will create.
Then motherhood happened and it felt as if the fire had gone out.
Suddenly, in between the sleepless nights and uphill ascent of every new day, I didn’t have a single ember left to create something new. To write that next book, or learn a new style of dance, or even dream of the next project.
That spark, the one that had always warmed me, held me, protected me—had disappeared.
And it terrified me.
This happens to so many mothers. We use every piece of kindling we can carry to build a fire that feeds others—and at the end of the day it can feel as if there is not a single ember left. Where did the spark go?
Creativity isn’t just writing, or painting or cooking. Creativity is the life-force itself. It’s the impulse towards life. And when you cannot access your creativity, it is as if the light of life itself has gone out.
In the deep of it, I wondered if my creativity would ever come back. If I’d ever be well-slept enough, resourced enough, regulated enough, to see the spark again…it was bleak.
But then something happened I can only describe as a soul-retrieval.
In the middle of this long, dark night of my life—I was shown how to remake a fire from scratch.
How to take the raw flint of who I am at my core and bring the fire back.
How to come alive again, even when it feels as if the spark of who you are has been lost.
Since then I’ve felt a strong pull to teach a live class created specifically for my fellow mamas.
I’m excited to announce that this class is finally happening— Relighting the Fire: A Class on Creative Resurrection for Mothers.
Next week we’ll gather on Lammas (August 1st), the Celtic holiday of harvest and bounty, to reconnect with the fire of our own creativity again.
In this two-hour experience you’ll:
❤️🔥 Understand how to keep your fire alive (even in the darkest moments)
❤️🔥 Get clear on what creative project is calling you (and how to get there)
❤️🔥 Meet the creative muse who never leaves your side
❤️🔥 Heal ancestral patterns of self-sacrifice
❤️🔥 Identify what is smothering you and tap into the possibilities of life
❤️🔥 Gather with a group of like-hearted mothers and be warmed by our collective fire
Because fire is just another word for force of nature…and mothers are a force of nature beyond measure.
So if you’re feeling drawn to relight, or more deeply ignite, your creative fire—I’d love to gather around the bonfire with you.
P.S. All of us go through times in our life when the light just seems to wink out. If you’ve been through a creative dark-night-of-the-soul like this Asia, I’m truly curious…what helped you come out the other side??? This topic has become so dear to my heart, I’d love to hear from you in the comments.