How the Earth Sees You

Several years ago I found an angel in the woods outside my house.
Or, more accurately, I found a whole host of angels.
When I first moved into my house it had been years since the garden had been cared for. I had my work cut out for me. One day in May I was up in the bramble patch that used to be the vegetable garden, trying to reclaim a section to grow cucumbers, when a daub of pink in the woods caught my eye.
I squinted up into the freshly grown forest. What was there?
I put down my digging fork, stripped off my work gloves, and climbed the embankment.
I reached the edge of the wood-line and stopped, letting the sight ripple over me like the wind off wings.
Beneath the newly sprouted forest of trees was an entire terrace of peonies.
Easily twenty years old, the bushes were dotted with newborn flowers of blush, fuchsia and Chantilly cream.
They were drooping over the edge of the terrace, looking down on the valley below like angels with heavy wings. I cradled as many as I could into my arms.
And as I carried the precious blooms back to the house I could feel the Earth whisper to me…
This is how I see you.
And it moved me beyond words.
So how does the Earth see you? What miracles await when you can simply see yourself through the Earth’s eyes?

If you’re needing a small pick-me-up today, a peony-soft kind of moment where you receive affirmation that beauty still exists, that who you are is important and your hard work is seen, come listen to my new video.
Because when you have trouble seeing yourself, the Earth will be there to remind you…this is how I see you.
This is who you truly are.
This is how beloved you are by this planet.
Despite the forest of things that overwhelm you, who you are is a miracle that will continue to bloom.
And this Earth cherishes your specific unfolding.
P.S. Speaking of blooms, whenever I’m visited by heartbreak and despair… this flower is the one I turn to
Hawthorn Flower Essence
Heart healing | Magical initiation | Otherworld communication
As a protector of the broken hearted, Hawthorn can help to transform long held trauma as well as acute heartache. This powerful essence helps to regenerate hope and release grief— encircling the heart with comfort and protection. An essential ally for sensitives, empaths, and those who feel overwhelmed by the hurt in the world, Hawthorn helps us hold better boundaries so we can focus our energy on the heart-led work we’re here to accomplish. In Celtic lore, Hawthorn was considered a literal gateway into the Otherworld. Hawthorn essence shows us how to walk the path of the heart-centered magician, learning how to trust our intuition and perceive magic in the everyday world.
The way each time I read most of your book I would start to cry (dry, but my chest shaking like it’s gonna cry) and this happened with this video too ❤️