Hawthorn Flower Essence


Hawthorn Flower Essence


Heart healing | Magical initiation | Otherworld communication

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Hawthorn is a gatekeeper, healer, and protector of the heart. Our hearts are organs of perception, attuned to recognize life’s magic. Hawthorn helps nurture the heart so we can perceive the hidden realities that surround us and experience the enchantment of the earth. As a protector of the broken hearted, Hawthorn can help to transform long held trauma as well as acute heartache. This powerful essence helps to regenerate hope and release grief— encircling the heart with comfort and protection. An essential ally for sensitives, empaths, and those who feel overwhelmed by the hurt in the world, Hawthorn helps us hold better boundaries so we can focus our energy on the heart-led work we’re here to accomplish. In Celtic lore, Hawthorn was considered a literal gateway into the Otherworld. Hawthorn essence shows us how to walk the path of the heart-centered magician, learning how to trust our intuition and perceive magic in the everyday world.

My heart is my greatest guide. It shows me how to open to the magic of being alive.

Crataegus sp. Made with gluten free brandy and pure mountain water. Comes with medicine card.

0.5 oz stock bottle (Learn more about Flower Essences)