
Dealing with Summertime Sadness

Summer has its own darkness. Thunderstorms, closed canopies, forests cast in shadow. Twilight woodlands where mushrooms bloom. For all its long hours of light, summer is a very literally dark time in my house. Built in the middle of a forested grove, every year my home becomes a deeply shaded cave during the summer…

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Bring your Twinkle Back

The world is opening up. Like a soft pink sky glimpsed after a storm, we are beginning to enter the time called “after”—  and yet a lot of days it’s hard to know just how to be in this new-old world. Lately I’ve had more dinners, parties, and adventures than I’ve had in the…

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Creating Your Golden Era

Some eras just seem to glow in our memory. Those times that feel luminescent in retrospect— lit from within by happiness, peace or well-being. Seasons when everything seemed to flow effortlessly and life felt full of possibilities. In our memory, these golden eras can feel like a gift from the gods— happening only once…

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What Really Matters

Hardship distills our perception. It’s strange, but true. Looking back on the hardest eras of my life— those defined by chronic pain and illness— what stands out is not the complexity (though it felt completely unsolvable at the time), but the vivid clarity that eventually rose up like a groundswell, delivering me to the…

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Intuition Lives in the Earth

Every year that I’ve opened this course, I’ve seen powerful magic happen. People hearing messages from the trees. Affirmations from a winged one that brings tears. A sign from the living world that shifts your whole life into perspective. I used to think intuition was an ethereal thing— available to only a few, and…

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The Spirit Guide That Never Leaves You

It’s hard to do life alone. The toughest things I’ve been through were so painful, not just because of the challenges, but because of how alone I felt in meeting them. Since time immemorial humans have looked to wiser beings during hard times for companionship and support. Today, we often conceive of these guides as off-planet…

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What is your Earth Healing archetype?

You are utterly unique. On the day you came here, the pattern of the cosmos above you and the unweighable spark of your soul coalesced to send you like a shooting star into this world. A one-time event that brings with it a portend of great healing. You carry a gift within you. And…

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Most Beloved Blogposts

What your Favorite Flower Says About You

I hadn’t stepped foot outside in weeks. Freshly post-partum, I’d been nestled in bed since my daughter’s birth. Since that time we’d already seen several snows, and at least one night when our pipes froze solid, but today the sun was shining. Today, the first daffodils were blooming, and every fiber of my body was yearning…

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The Plants are Holding You

We are in the full tilt of summer here and the trees around my house have filled in the cove surrounding me, turning my stilted home into a kind of bassinet in the grove. In the winds of a thunderstorm my house rocks, ever-so-slightly, and when the wind moves through the leaves it is…

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When Violets Speak

I first moved to these mountains in spring. Early spring, when things are still raw with beginning. It felt fitting. I had left behind my entire life in New York City— my relationship, my community and career— to start anew in Appalachia. I brought only what would fit into my car, leaving space for…

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