
You’re Here to Be a Channel

I used to think that channeling was a special, esoteric talent— reserved for only a select few. Then I realized that we are all channeling, all the time. When you sit by a waterfall and feel it rush through you. Or hold a flower and sense sunlight pouring into you. Or when you lean your heart against a…

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This Took Me Ten Years to Write

I’m still a bit in wonder that this day is actually here. My first book Mirrors in the Earth is officially available for pre-order! By the time this book arrives on June 28th it will have been ten years since I started it. I still remember that first day vividly. I had taken my tiny laptop to…

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Tree Rituals for a Rich Life

I was walking the perimeter of an ancient stone circle when I saw it— a dark grove of trees festooned with color. The grass ahead was flattened into a silver ribbon, a footpath made by pilgrims as they circumnavigated the ancient landscape. Curious, I followed the path straight into the grove. The air was…

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Plants Help you Come Home

It had been hours and my newborn daughter was still crying. Her wails had started to fray the edges of my mind, and a part of me was collapsing inwards. Around midnight I tried one last thing. I grabbed handfuls of rose petals, chamomile and lavender to steep while the bath ran. When the…

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What your Favorite Flower Says About You

I hadn’t stepped foot outside in weeks. Freshly post-partum, I’d been nestled in bed since my daughter’s birth. Since that time we’d already seen several snows, and at least one night when our pipes froze solid, but today the sun was shining. Today, the first daffodils were blooming, and every fiber of my body was yearning…

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When your Identity Shifts

I woke up and the walls were glowing like canvas under floodlight. Before I even opened my eyes, I knew— it had snowed that night.  In the swoop of a single day the whole landscape had changed. The hemlocks drooped as if dressed in heavy silks. Boulders slept under downy cloaks. The creek stood out…

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Your Business is your Spirit Guide

The early morning frost crunched underfoot as I climbed up the hill. I puffed past the sleeping rhododendrons until I reached the overlook. Every morning I came up here—jacket slung over my nightgown— to speak my gratitudes aloud before I started my day. This particular morning my stomach was churning. Today, I was officially…

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Most Beloved Blogposts

What your Favorite Flower Says About You

I hadn’t stepped foot outside in weeks. Freshly post-partum, I’d been nestled in bed since my daughter’s birth. Since that time we’d already seen several snows, and at least one night when our pipes froze solid, but today the sun was shining. Today, the first daffodils were blooming, and every fiber of my body was yearning…

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The Plants are Holding You

We are in the full tilt of summer here and the trees around my house have filled in the cove surrounding me, turning my stilted home into a kind of bassinet in the grove. In the winds of a thunderstorm my house rocks, ever-so-slightly, and when the wind moves through the leaves it is…

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When Violets Speak

I first moved to these mountains in spring. Early spring, when things are still raw with beginning. It felt fitting. I had left behind my entire life in New York City— my relationship, my community and career— to start anew in Appalachia. I brought only what would fit into my car, leaving space for…

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