A Message for my Fellow Mamas
We mothers carry so much in our lives.
The weight of all that’s seen—the clothes scattered across the floor and the dishes that need to be done. And all that’s unseen—the calm confidence you’re working to foster in your child, the rewriting of intergenerational patterns, the building of capacity to hold it all.
If you’re a mama, and you’re here today—I’m in awe of you.
Whether your kids are fully grown and you’re watching them walk into the world like they’re toddlers all over again….
Or you’re currently pacing the floor with a baby in your arms trying to get them to sleep…
What you’re doing, what you’re holding, what you’re creating is amazing.
You give so much. More than anyone looking on the outside could ever imagine. It’s a fire that literally warms the world, and it’s beyond inspiring.
As I was preparing for my upcoming class this week—Relighting the Fire: Creative Resurrection for Mothers—I decided to record a short message for you today.
If you’re a mother who is doubting her vitality, her creativity, her passion or purpose in life—just hit play.
Picking the kids up from school or running to an appointment and can’t make it live? No worries, when you sign up I’ll send you the replay link and it’ll be yours to keep forever. So you can watch during the next nap time or listen in 20 min increments as you sit by candlelight before bed.
Because your fire never died, dear one. It’s just being transformed into a blaze that can reach every corner of your life.
I love that idea that we all have a pilot light that’s always lit. When we are exhausted and barely functioning with a sick child or after a sleepless night, we need this reminder. Thanks!
Yes! This image saves me often. Sending deep love, from this wee flame at the center of the hearth to yours.
It’s beautiful to see how motherhood matured you, Asia, it deepened you – even your voice and the way that you talk. Yes, motherhood is an initiation, and a deep well too, where a different creative water can be found. Your creativity changes with you, it takes on another form. I always think and feel – whenever I’m in these depths of not being able to connect to my inner well of creativity, (I’m an artist/writer/weedwife) that motherhood itself IS the way my creativity takes form at this moment. I have 4 children – 2 of them are grownups, the other 2 are teenagers, AND I’m in my menopausal years, and yes, all of it is shaping that creativity. It pushes outwards and inwards, maturing you, deepening you, so deeper wells and caves can be reached.. It changes all the time, in form and feeling. Feeling empty and still IS the way to creation: like the womb that is dark and quiet. This Void isn’t to be feared, but cherished and seen as pure potential: a void that is empty and full at the same time, the Great Mother’s womb of creating life, in whatever way. You are so right. Our women’s creative fire never stops, that’s part of our magic. Loved your message. Thanks.
Thank you for bring the Void, and your deeply earned wisdom, into this space Gearthe. The emptiness and the fullness…what a profound place to be.