What Does this Spring Hold for You?

Lately, I’ve been waking up every morning to listen to the dawn chorus.
The songbirds have returned—along with the flocks of spring flowers—and it’s thrilling, comforting, promising.
Every spring I find myself embracing a tender belief in new beginnings. The flowers open and the hope I’d nearly given up returns like the songbirds.
There is newness on the horizon for all of us.
We need only ask, and the world will give us a preview of all the goodness to come.
So what’s coming up for you this spring?
I’ve created a spring divination video for you to find out.
Just pick the flower that calls to you in the video below and receive an intuitive reading for what this next season holds for you!

Click the image above to hear a message from a flower (and future) that is calling to you.
And if a new part of you is ready to flower this spring, I’d love to support you with one of my flower essences.
As our cove fills with blooms, I’ve starting taking my essences regularly again and it feels like hope. Like possibility. Like sunshine itself.
No matter which flower you chose, or what reading spoke to you, may this spring bring untold flowering to the parts of you that need it the most.
Because your own becoming is a spring for this Earth…
And your blossoming is a gift for this world.
wow I am so amazed at how accurately this spoke to me… I liked all the flowers, but when I saw violet, something sparkled inside so I knew that was the reading for me…. and it was just so lovely to hear… My baby is almost 10 months old, and I am still taking life very, very slowly… I see other mothers around taking their babies to daycare and starting to work again, and I just don’t want to do that. I want to spend lazy mornings cuddling my baby in bed, taking long walks with him and I know that means I only have a few minutes here and there to open my computer and do tiny pieces of my creative work, but I still feel so soft and that this time is so special. So it is helpful to hear about being content with life and how slow it is now… and that another blooming can happen later in the year, when the time is right. Thank you <3.
Hi Molly! Your soft days with your baby sound so peaceful! We’re so happy violet is resonating with you and affirming your alignment with taking life slowly right now. You may already know this, but violet has subterranean flowers in addition to the ones that we see blooming in spring. They remind me also that you can achieve success and fulfillment according to your own plan. Even though you may only be able to do some creative work now, this period of calm with your baby could very well spark a huge period of exponential growth. Sending you blessings for continued special moments and soft mornings! <3
I chose the violet and the message to me was perfect. This was a wonderful idea.
So glad it connected with you Donna! Wishing you sweet violet times ahead 💜
I picked daffodil. So fitting–right on!
Thank you Kaeen! So glad this fit for you. Daffodil blessings from the One Willow team 💛
I picked Violet and it is perfect as we are going into Winter now. A time for slowdown and contemplation. Thank you so much, Asia.
Thank you for sharing this Elna! Your intuition led you to such a resonant energy for your season <3
I picked cherry blossom, so glad I did! The message wasn’t only beautiful, it matched perfectly because I’ve already had just a taste of awe seeing plants pop up that I planted 1-2 years ago. Wishing you an abundance in joy & harvest.
Yes Dawn! I love when those synchronicities confirm what we’re feeling into <3 Wishing you so much goodness as you watch what you've planted grow this spring 🌸
That was just perfect, dear Asia! I went right for the Cherry Blossom, and what you said about being light-hearted was so true. Miss you! xoxo
I love Cherry blossom for you Barbara! You *are* cherry blossom medicine! And it was such a synchronicity to see you commented yesterday as Iona and I just took out the book you sent us for the first time! She is absolutely loving all the rhymes and points to every character on every page. It is the sweetest. <3 Love to you!
Loved this. I’ve always considered the Daffodil my flower!
Thank you for writing Nancy, I know Asia will be so glad this spoke to you! I love that your flower was featured here 😊