This One Word Heals Everything

Sometimes life can feel like a slog.
It’s ok, we’ve all been there.
Lately my daughter and I have been sick with a deep, long cold that’s been going around. All projects or adventures were put on hold while we simply got through the day. Wake up, breakfast, play time, lunch, nap, repeat.
I was going through the motions this morning when I reminded myself—there’s another way to see this.
I just had to remember the one magic word that heals everything.
If you’ve been feeling stuck, stagnant, trapped or uninspired in your life, “This One Word Heals Everything” is for you.
This short and sweet pick-me-up will help you see your entire day differently, so give this video a watch and see what happens.

Because the truth is… the only reason we ever feel stagnant in life is because a part of us is ready to move.
The spring within you that is your creativity, your inspiration, your lifeforce, has been welling up behind the stones and is ready to stream down the hillside.
You can feel the energy gathering…
and it’s precisely because of this that the pressure feels so uncomfortable.
This inner flow is ready to rush into fresh areas of your life—and bring with it a new era.
Sometimes we just need to be reminded of what’s possible.

On the topic of finding inspiration in unexpected places and letting everything in life (no matter how slog-y) open new opportunities…
I’m excited to be a part of this upcoming FREE teaching on July 5th—Necessity as Mentor & Muse.
When the team at Ancestral Medicine asked if I wanted to join one of their live talks, I took a look at their schedule and immediately said THAT ONE.
I’ve been deep in the trenches of learning about necessity as muse since my daughter was born last year. And its honestly changed everything about how I view life, magic and possibility.
I’ll be joining educator and ritualist Daniel Foor as well as body liberation facilitator Tiana Dodson for this live talk. It’s completely free, and I’d love to gather with you there.
Because when we embrace necessity as muse, a world of endless inspiration and possibility can unfold.
traveling the globe to scatter joy, laughter, and the feeling of possibility worldwide!
Here, here, Amber! I LOVE the imagery of spirit of this dream; it reminds me of a traveling jester, carrying a medicine of “shaking things up” from a place of levity, love, and renewal for our world. May it be so!
This is such a beautiful one word!
I keep repeating a phrase to myself over recent months, which I heard from the Arcturians. “May all possibilities be open to you”. It is a blessing.
I am open to all possibilities, and my dream is to create a sanctuary of love and creativity in nature with friends and community.
There is so much love in that blessing, Lara!! Thank you for sharing it here. May this beautiful, healing dream be so <3
perfect timing…thank you so much for sharing. just how I feel….new area of possibilities are opening up…listen, trust and take action🥰 so much love in believing in possibilities. love, caroline
Thank you Caroline! Asia will be so glad to know that this resonated with you (and that you’re feeling this sense of possibility in your world!). Here’s to the love that blooms in belief <3
So beautiful! Just what I needed to hear. Thank you!
Asia will be so glad this spoke to you, Joan! Thank you for being here and sharing this light <3
I love this & the word possibility. It really rang true for me in terms of inspiration, motivation & feeling stuck. In my dream or dream on a daily basis I have loads of energy every day, even after my day of work (which is very physical & leaves me exhausted). I have always craved adventures & plan to seek it out on a more daily basis…My overall dream of dreams is to lead successful yoga retreats, have my own sweet bright (ie:sunny) living space and bring more healing, love & support to others (family/friends ~ hence the needed energy:)) Thanks as always for sharing, Asia.
Love this Patty!! Thank you so much for sharing your dream with us. Here’s to a life of energy, fulfillment, adventure, and connective light, love, and healing overflowing!! With One Willow blessings and appreciation <3
Asia, I love this! For me, I want the possibility to live to an old age, free of pain and fear.
Thank you for connecting Ann! I know it will mean a lot to Asia that this resonated with you <3 With One Willow love and blessings, may this dream be so!
Thankyou Asia! This has come along at just the right time… I’ve been feeling stuck and working with my money beliefs, intending to create the better life of flow that I desire… But in the last week I have felt unable to believe the possibility. Here is my dream of a possible future, and I hope that the more I tell people, the closer I can be to realising it and supporting others to reach theirs 💕
I want to live in community on the land, with plenty of space for me to run Forest School, nature connection sessions, women’s circles, foraging classes and natural craft workshops. I know my calling is to be a way pointer to nature, to inspire people to deepen their connection to nature, plants, the land, themselves. To teach people to grow their own food, forage for food and medicine, and steward the Earth.
Thankyou for this video that felt like one of my Teahouses 🙏 an unexpected one on my journey that has refreshed me when my feet are sore!
What a radiant dream Jo! When I read it, I feel the support of the Earth and so many loving allies behind you. Thank you for sharing the teahouse of your vision with us <3
Jo, this dream of yours is so like my dream too! Hello fellow dreamer!
In my dream of dreams, I have healed my nervous system to a point of regulation and ease. I have healed from previous traumas, released and transformed shame. I am anchored in my body and in Presence with loving compassion for myself and others. All is forgiven. All is blessed. I am living a life with joy, meaning and the full spectrum of experiences and emotions. I am in deeply intimate relationship with myself, life and other humans. My relationships are mutually supportive and evolutionary. I am doing work that is passionate, easeful, fun and supports me with abundance. Humanity is awakening in heart and new paradigms are coming into place to support the human family in coexisting peacefully with one another and the Earth. 💕 ♥️ I have a dream of possibilities. May it be so. It is so.
So much medicine and beauty in these dreams Sarah—for your own precious light, and our collective humanity <3
What you wrote brings to mind a book that I have gleaned so much comfort and healing from over the years, called "Learning to Love Yourself." The author shares a simple practice of bringing love to *whatever* it is that we are experiencing in the moment. I was incredulous until I experienced the *possibility* that unfolds from that transformative place of presence and compassion!
Thank you for holding these dreams, and thank you for sharing them with us here. May they be so, they are so <3
This video spoke to me so wonderfully! When I am in nature, especially lately, I sense everything is healing, vibrant, possible. I know everything is connected, and that is my dream. For everyone can see that unity is possible. Thank you!
Thank you for carrying and sharing this dream, Cindy!! The possibility that you see, feeds the possibility that all may see <3 We're so delighted to be in connection with you, and with this dream you carry!