Thanks Giving: A Precious Cycle
Giving and Gratitude is a precious cycle of exchange that keeps us vital and alive. Every day, in a million ways, we are given incredible gifts. Sunlight, air, vision, purpose, family, and amazing opportunities for growth. These gifts are rained down upon us, softening the hard landscapes of our existence, encouraging us to blossom and become rich with the unique possibilities of our individual lives.
In a natural cycle of giving and gratitude, we accept these gifts as readily as the land accepts summer rain. Sometimes the gifts rise up out of nowhere, incredible springs of energy and inspiration. Other times, the gift comes in the form of icy snow, seemingly pummeling our summits. No matter the origin, we receive it. Every person, situation, material or event is an opportunity for gratitude and growth. In time, even the harshest and most frigid gifts dethaw and flow forward with a clarity we might never have experience otherwise. Once these gifts are received, the only natural thing to do is let them stream outward of their own accord, in the sailing ease of immense gratitude. Like rivers, streams, tributaries and lakes– let the bounty pour from you in gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. There is so much to be thankful for. It is this gratitude that eventually refills the vast oceans of our society and our land, and it is this gratitude that replenishes further gifts and giving.
Today, the only day built into our calendar for thanksgiving, I express my gratitude for all of the blessings in my life.
Thank you all, Thank you everything.
How wonderful it is just to be alive.
And our gratitude for poets like you!…. I heard a speaker on NPR recently talk about how Hasidic Jews have prayers of gratitude for almost everything – including being able to go to the bathroom! This is the kind of gratitude that usually only older people understand!… lol…
Makes me stop…..and quietly remember what this day is for.