A Reading for 2021
I remember when I started giving intuitive readings in my twenties. I had expected to receive direct messages, clear-cut answers to share with my clients. Instead, I saw storied metaphors. At first I was disappointed, but I soon came to realize that these metaphoric images helped me— and the person I was working with— understand so much more about how their energy worked than a straight-forward message.
In poetry, we use metaphors to reference a deeper truth, one that cannot be spoken to directly, but must be gestured at with the circle of our words. Metaphors express the inexpressible, the too-big-for-words, the ineffable meaning that gathers like a fountainhead beneath all things. When we try to grasp the truth directly, it can slip like water through our hands. With metaphors, however, we can immerse ourselves into a lake of meaning.
The poet John Keats once wrote— “The point of diving into a lake is not immediately to swim to the shore, but to be in the lake, to luxuriate in the sensation of water. You do not work the lake out, it is an experience beyond thought. Poetry soothes and emboldens the soul to accept the mystery.” Metaphors help us to approach life’s mysteries and understand the currents that surround us.
Though I no longer do intuitive readings one-on-one, I still work with metaphors to help me read the Earth’s subtle energies— and is there any energy more mysterious than this transition from 2020 into 2021?
Every year I tune in to receive a metaphor for the year ahead. This year, the metaphor came in loud and clear: The New Core. Watch the video below to learn about the deep ancestral origins of 2021’s metaphor and what it means for the year ahead.

One thing I learned throughout my years of giving intuitive readings is that anytime something is truly healing, or helpful, it’s because it reflects back to you a truth you already know. We all need mirrors from time to time. But the truth is always within you. Inside your body, psyche and soul is a knowing of what this year holds for you. Trust what you see within.
hi Asia, happy new year. yet again, you speak true and i say thank ya. on january 7th 2020 it was announce that my whole company was to be laid of, my end date was 12/31/20. with the pandemic we began working from home until the lay off, which allowed me bring into being a micro farm of sorts, not only to feed my family but my community as well. not just with food but plant medicine. i felt the layoff and the pandamic aided my embarking on this new adventure in 2021. i’m getting my Reiki certification and just signed up for a 200 yoga teacher training, i have herbal and massage course to attend to as well. my plan is to pour all my engergy and time into this learning and hopefully find a way to give what is so needed and receive just enough to allow me to fully focus on the healing arts. but there is so much uncertanty. my circle is very small, i have no idea how i’m ever to ‘attract’ folks in need of healing and gentle movement. i trust that life is always conspiring in my favor and yet, there is much self doubt. your video and the comments above give me the certainty that i should trust what’s within me and be patient. i thank you all for that. love & light Karin
Thank you for this beautiful reflection Karin. Your story is a living example of resilience, intuition and self-trust. We are all pouring our support behind you as you take this next step on your journey.
This resonates so deeply with me, thank you dearly, Asia…
A few weeks ago I had a meltdown which felt out of nowhere (but wasn’t), I simply couldn’t stop crying. My crying feels like deep grieving lately. And to be honest, some days I feel swept by and paralyzed by fear. I am afraid for the future of my children…but then that one day when I had that particular meltdown, I ended up in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, and the wildest thing happened. I spoke to myself, but it wasn’t my accent. I knew with no doubt my Ancestors were speaking through me. My eyes were so sharp and timeless, I didn’t recognize them…I just allowed them to speak. And the message was loud and clear: “You are safe. You are so Supported and Loved, and Safe. So are your Loved Ones. You are going to be OK. The journey is about to get very Wild, but you are going to make it…” And your video about the New Core couldn’t feel more on point, because that’s exactly how it felt. Merci encore xx
This story gave me goosebumps. Thank you so much for sharing this powerful moment with us Alexis. Sending you lots of love. <3
What a treat to hear you speak these ideas aloud. Forever grateful for your wisdom and generosity dear one.
Thank you for being you dear friend. Much love!
My goodness…..I was teaching Yoga at the end of 2019 then the studios and gyms shut down….I had pulled out a gifted Tarot deck in early 2019 and started vigorous study…then in mid 2020 that led me to Kabbalah. It is amazing how the stepping stones lead the path to where you are suppose to be. As this blog came to me in an emailed newsletter it fits perfectly; I did survive 2020 with focus on study and expansion of my spiritual life which has been strengthened by this video. Now to spread the love……
Thank you for this share Tani… such a beautiful example of the gifts of all this reworking to our core.
Reading about Catholic saints can teach us so much about the struggles and miracles of life. There is so much wisdom in the Catholic faith 🙏🏼
Thank you for these beautiful words of wisdom, Asia.
Though winter, I have a place, out of the wind, where I go in the morning to lay upon the earth and sun bathe. I was ready to get up and get on with the ‘tasks’ of the day, but thought better of it. I waited, knowing I would hear something before I would know it was time to go. “Seek Connection, not Presumption” were the words I came back into the house with. I was going to drop someone a note, but in finding ‘The New Core’
in my Inbox I sensed it no accident it set before me in that moment. . . . . so rich the content with ease breathed in . . . . . . so the ‘ wild flower connects, never presuming ‘
Thank you for sharing these amazing words. I so enjoy the energy and clarity of them. Your work is truly amazing. Sending love and light to you in 2021.
Much love to you too Bethany! Thank you for being here.