The Spirit Guide That Never Leaves You

It’s hard to do life alone. The toughest things I’ve been through were so painful, not just because of the challenges, but because of how alone I felt in meeting them. Since time immemorial humans have looked to wiser beings during hard times for companionship and support. Today, we often conceive of these guides as off-planet…

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Finding Light in Dark Times

In the thick of winter it’s easy to forget that the light is actually growing each day. A week from now we’ll have an hour more sunlight than last week— and in just over a month the days will officially be longer than the nights. Though the sun may be gaining strength, early February…

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A Reading for 2021

I remember when I started giving intuitive readings in my twenties. I had expected to receive direct messages, clear-cut answers to share with my clients. Instead, I saw storied metaphors. At first I was disappointed, but I soon came to realize that these metaphoric images helped me— and the person I was working with—…

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The End Before the Beginning

Marked by the longest nights of the year, the solstice season has always been defined by a profound pause. In Latin, the word “Solstice” translates as “sun stays still.”  If you watch the sunrise on the days around the Solstice, it appears as if the sun is halted in one place on the horizon….

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How to Feel Free

I spent the early part of my adulthood not feeling very free. Stuck in toxic relationships and cloistered by chronic pain, freedom wasn’t really in my vocabulary. Then one day I was sitting with a friend in his garden when he brought out a numerology book. Scanning the chapters, I found I was a…

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Your Brokenness Makes You Whole

When I was a kid in the 90s yin-yang symbols were all the rage. From tee-shirts to posters, everyone was displaying yin-yangs. In Chinese philosophy the yin-yang symbol represents the duality present on Earth. The Yang of bright heat, fire, and action and the Yin of dark soil, water and patience. Together, the two…

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