What You Desire is Important

I used to doubt my desires. I questioned their necessity, put them on the backburner, let them be a “treat” for when I finished my real work.

But now I see desire differently.

What you desire isn’t a diversion…it’s a directive.

It’s the compass that shows you where to go next—how to cross that passage between where you are, and the mystery of what you’re becoming.

You desire it because it’s important, not only to your life, but to the greater trajectory of this planet.

As a part of the Earth yourself, desire is the yearning of the Earth made manifest through you.

And you desire it, because it desires you, dear one.

We all have passing desires— like the desire for a piece of dark chocolate or the perfect knee high boots (guilty). While those can lead us to important places too…they’re not quite the same as the desire I’m talking about.

The desire I’m talking about rises right out of the center of you. It’s a yearning that feels like poetry, like drawing closer to home.

The desire to live your soul’s dream.

To make manifest the vision within you.
To create a life that holds the fullness of you, translating your gifts into a wave of healing for this world.

In my Intuitive Reading for 2025 last week I talked about how “surrendering to the irresistible pulls” is exactly what is going to help us get through the huge passage of this year.

So as we step into this new year ask yourself, dear one— what do I desire? Like really, truly, desire for this upcoming year? And let that be your compass.

And if part of your desire is to build a business that buoys you through the waves to come

A business that is an expression of your soul’s vision…

One that can hold you as you unfold into wider and wider versions of yourself—come join me for Business as a Spiritual Journey

Created specifically for my fellow sensitive and empathic entrepreneurs, this business course is $100 OFF until January 17th. 

So you get the entire program—a course that one of our students compared to “finding a sacred spring [after] standard business advice leaves you parched”— for just $325.

Sign up before then and I’ll also send you an invite to TWO live Ask Asia Anything coaching sessions. I can’t wait to chat with you about where your desire is leading you, and how to make the dream possible.

Because the Earth desires you to blossom, dear one.