Star of Bethlehem Flower Essence
Star of Bethlehem Flower Essence
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Star of Bethlehem is one of the most important essences for releasing shock and trauma. Supremely comforting, this uplifting essence will help clear the reverberating numbness of traumatic experiences, so that we can embark upon the next phase in our healing. Trauma can take many shapes. Star of Bethlehem teaches us to let go of judgment around the things that have shaken us and begin to release their grip from our lives. If you feel numb, unreachable, or stuck in a loop of feeling, Star of Bethlehem might be one of your most important allies. This essence is a powerful first aid in moments of panic, anxiety, and loss. When you don’t know what to do, turn to Star of Bethlehem. Experiencing trauma is a natural part of being alive, but Star of Bethlehem shows us that we don’t have to carry that charge with us forever. Nurturing and protective, Star of Bethlehem will create a cove of safety —where you can come home to the wholeness of your body, heart, and soul.
Comfort, hope, and healing surrounds me. I return to the wholeness within.
Ornithogalum umbellatum. Made with gluten free brandy and pure mountain water. Comes with medicine card.
The flower essence has surpassed my expectations & more. It has supported me when I felt like I was hanging on by a teathered string & helped me clear out stuff out of an old injury. I love it’s calming effects & how quickly it works.