Reishi Flower Essence

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Reishi Flower Essence

(1 review)


Expanded perception | Accessing soul wisdom | Peace within change

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Blooming on the literal threshold between life and death, Reishi is a wayshower between the worlds. Known in China as “the immortality mushroom,” this essence helps us touch the Otherworld (and all the other worlds) that live alongside us, both seen and unseen. As a medicine for perceiving the hidden nature of reality, Reishi is a subtle psychedelic. It can help us shift our perception, see the divine magic at the heart of existence, and meet the ancient sage within. Unsurprisingly, Reishi is a powerful ally in times of transition— one that will help you walk bravely through moments of initiation, death and rebirth by learning to trust your own deep wisdom. An invaluable guide for mystics, creatives, seers, and seekers, Reishi essence illuminates the hidden connections between all things. Tap into the twilight zone where the shaman roams, reconnect with the part of you that is eternal, and befriend life’s sacred mysteries.

I am open to perceiving the unseen around me. I connect to the wise sage within.

Ganoderma tsugae. Made with gluten free brandy and pure mountain water. Comes with medicine card.

0.5 oz stock bottle (Learn more about Flower Essences)