How to Be a Sensitive in this World

This summer I sent out a survey to my fellow sensitives here and asked: what do you struggle with most about being sensitive?

We had over 700 people reply to this question and amazingly, the same answer came up again and again….

We, as sensitive people, are overwhelmed by this world.

Over half of you responded that the hardest part of being sensitive was feeling deep overwhelm about the state of the world and your interactions with others…

…guilt over letting others down, the profound stress of setting boundaries, and the sheer intensity of feeling everyone else’s emotions (literally 14% of respondents said “feeling other people’s pain” was the thing they struggled with the most).

Reading through all the responses to this survey touched me profoundly…

Because I know so deeply how this feels.

To want so desperately to make a difference, but worry that, to do so, I’d have to forsake my own self and wellbeing.

In the past, it felt impossible to both show up in the way I wanted to and give my sensitive nervous system the space it needed…

But the Earth has shown me that there is another way. 

That we can care deeply for this planet, for others, for the wellbeing of the world…and also take care of ourselves, nurturing our needs for gentleness and joy.

If you sometimes feel like this world is simply too much for you as a sensitive person, check out my new video and learn 4 simple steps to create a sense of peace, safety and sanctuary within you…no matter what is going on in the world around you.

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Because, as a sensitive person, your peace matters. Your centeredness matters. The gentleness your nervous system needs matters.

And it’s possible— to trade overwhelm for wonder. 

To transform the feeling of being crushed by the world’s pain, into a deep sense of empowerment with the gifts you’re here to share.
That’s why I call the second session in our three-part SENSITIVE SERIES magic school this fall—the secret garden of your life.

In this session we’ll how to create an existence where you truly thrive. Including:

🌈 How to expand through relationships (instead of just feeling trapped)

🌈 Techniques to create boundaries that protect your power

🌈 How to stop prioritizing other people’s peace over your own

🌈 Tools for transforming guilt and shame

🌈 Practices for releasing the pain of the world and cultivating hope

🌈 Dissolving comparison and grounding in self-joy

Our live magic school starts September 18th!

If you’re a sensitive who is ready to experience your life as the enchanted garden that it’s meant to be, and step into the full-spectrum of your gifts, come join me.