A New Year

The new year arrives subtly. After the long holiday build-up of champagne and anticipation the calendar shift, so stark on the page, sneaks slowly into our consciousness. Like a low draft from the hem of a door; you have to get used to its breath on your skin. The change happens in almost…

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January Stillness

The older I get, the deeper my love for winter grows.  Bemoaned for its long nights, dull days and monotonous cold, January is often everyone’s least favorite month. There are barely any dates of note on the calendar (with the exception of today, Martin Luther King day). Compared to the pomp and celebratory splendor…

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Handmade Valentines

This year I was inspired to make real, honest-to-goodness valentines. You know, those traditional heart-shaped treasures festooned with lace and smothered in floral and velvet. There is something about handmade valentines that strikes a forgotten chord in us, like the relighting of a candle. Once upon a time Valentine’s Day was all about the…

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One a Day

A friend of my mine recently shared this inspiring ritual with me. Every February this friend gets together with a group of people and they all decide on a One a Day. Every day for the entire month of February each person in the group chooses one thing that they will do (no ifs,…

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