Category: Plant Stories
Mythical Mushrooms & Dark Magic Reishi Tuffles
It’s summer in Appalachia and there is endless rain. Some days it has poured from grey dawn to greyer twilight, the sound of it like trees harshly arguing. It’s become a rhythm: the rain, the rain. Last week, it reached a pitch. The soil was saturated; every step raised small lakes of footprints. Low…
Oh, Roses: Medicine, Magic & Honey
On the craggy side of our driveway, arching over a rusty fence, there is a rose bush that has grown wild. Once upon a time, I imagine, it was planted by a quiet, well-mannered couple. Decent, hardworking folks who placed that bush, square and manageable, at the far end of their placid yard and…
Avena Sativa: The Warm Weather Medicine of Milky Oats
We’ve slipped into one of the most delicious times of the year– that liminal, lofty space between spring and summer. The raucous rush of springtime ephemerals has died down, leaving a haphazard cascade of petals dissolving beneath the trees. And yet, the hot days of dry grasses and hibiscus have yet to arrive….
Bach Flower Essences
‘Tis the season of flower essences. In honor of all the new blooms I’m reposting an article I wrote about the most well known of all flower essences, Bach Flower Remedies… The first time I ever read about Bach Flower essences I actually cried. Not out of any particular wound or hurt, but…
Herbal Aphrodisiacs
In sensuous honor of the upcoming holiday, I thought I’d reblog an article I wrote for the most recent issue of A Green Beauty. I hope you enjoy… Throughout history, people have gone to great lengths to cultivate and consume herbal aphrodisiacs. Some aphrodisiacs, like cacao, have become objects of such mass…