Category: Most Beloved
What it Means When You “Fail”
This time last year I was in the first few days of postpartum. Snow blanketed the earth, its white light entering our home like a soul while I nestled in bed with my daughter. It was a time of profound, newborn joy. I remember lying next to her, cheek as close as I could get,…
The Earth is your Valentine
In English we only really have one word for love. In Ancient Greek, however, there was a whole vocabulary to describe the wondrous variety of love that we can experience on this planet. There was philia for friendship love, stroge for the love of one’s kin and, of course, the infamous eros, that burning…
Shadow Work is Active
Shadow work is light work. The two have always gone hand in hand. You cannot walk into illumination without activating the shadow. It is impossible to stand, in daylight or moon-remembrance, and not cast a darkness at your own feet. Having a shadow is part of the bargain of being here on this planet….