A Message for My Fellow Sensitives

I’ve been so moved by the response to everything I’ve shared these past few weeks about what it means to be sensitive.
There is so much I want to say in response to the beautiful wave of sensitives who have responded to say: yes, this is me. I see myself here.
But there’s one more thing I haven’t told you that I need to share…
This Earth wants you to know how much your sensitivity is valued, needed, necessary…
She wants you to see how important you are, how cherished…
Because the Earth is a sensitive, just like you, dear one.
Press play to hear the whole message about why I love working with sensitives…
(Hint: it’s because you, as a sensitive, were made in the Earth’s image).

And if something inside your body or spirit is saying “yes, this” come join us for THE SENSITIVE SERIES.
This three-part magic school was designed to help you understand the magic that is inherent to your sensitive nervous system…and, by doing so, tap into the profound possibilities for your life here on this planet.
Because as a sensitive person, you were born with a nervous system that has the capacity for a distinctly world-shifting kind of magic.
Learn how to work with this magic, and whole new eras can unfold—for yourself, and for this Earth.
This is for you if you…
🌈 Constantly wonder if you’re doing “enough” for others/the world
🌈 Often feel like you’re operating from a place of overwhelm
🌈 Desire depth in life (depth of feeling, meaning, connection)
🌈 Often feel depleted by this world but you’ve gotten glimmers that another way is possible
🌈 Are seeking a community who celebrates sensitivity and compassion
🌈 Are ready to understand the true nature of your gifts as a sensitive
🌈 Know you’re here on Earth for a reason and want to show up for that mission
You speak sooo much truth . Archangel Earth is beautiful and so full of love and yes regeneration and so much more. Thank you Asia for your being shining light and changing. the world. 🌈🐬
Thank you for being here Alison! And for the brightness of your light 🌈
..kinda busy this week
With chores to prepare for
Winter in this little
Forested woodlot on top of a hill with pine and maple and spruce and fir
Partridgeberry and pyrola eliptica and coral tooth
And other delicious
Pinemarten bobcat
Rabbit and squirrel blackbear and hawk
..your more than welcome to
Stop in next time your in southern vermont
Really like your
Thank you for you
Dear sister I haven’t met yet