Mimosa Flower Essence


Mimosa Flower Essence


Joyful spirit | Creative inspiration | Elevated perspective

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A remedy of levity and laughter, Mimosa lifts heavy spirits so we can remember life’s joy once more. This gentle pink flower helps you regain your optimism and sense of curiosity when life feels weighty, inviting the light of your spirit back into your heart and energizing you with spiritual delight. Effervescence in a bottle, Mimosa is a bright ally for encouraging states of ecstatic clarity, creativity, and play. It reminds us that the universe has an exquisite sense of humor and that everything is going to turn out ok. Known for its ability to dispel depression, insomnia, anxiety and gloom, Mimosa shows us that happiness springs from within. Life is essentially benevolent and every day contains a reason to celebrate. Elevating us to see the sparkle behind the unknowns, Mimosa creates the feeling of hopeful horizons, buoying one’s heart up like the soft pink feathers of an early morning sky.

I embrace the playful spirit of life. I am lifted by the world’s benevolence, kindness, and light.

Albizia julibrissin. Made with gluten free brandy and pure mountain water. Comes with medicine card.

0.5 oz stock bottle (Learn more about Flower Essences)