Clematis Flower Essence
Clematis Flower Essence
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Clematis creates solid ground to walk on for all those who hear the call of the beyond. Helpful for dreamers who roam the hills of their imagination, Clematis aids those who feel disconnected from this world to awaken in their awareness of the present moment. In the present, all things can be healed. From this moment, we create our reality. Clematis supports you to manifest your dreams by teaching you how to translate your inner world into the creative matrix of the present. One of Bach’s original twelve flower essences, Clematis is an excellent remedy for all creative types— artists, musicians, and philosophers. It can bring your creations into balance, awakening your senses, and heightening your curiosity about life. Supportive for those who get lost in thoughts of “what might have been” or “what could be”— this guiding essence will deliver you back to the present moment and into a better understanding of the beauty, and potential, of the here and now.
I remember my power as a creator. I return to the present moment to plant the seeds of my dreams.
Clematis maximowicziana. Made with gluten free brandy and pure mountain water. Comes with medicine card.
How many remedies can I take at once? Thanks.
Hi John, thanks for reaching out! Here is what Asia has said about using different essences together: “I tend to formulate with between 3 and 6 different flowers. Too much and I find the effects become a bit tangled and diluted!” She also likes to pick one for two principle flowers and then add other flowers to potentiate the healing, ground the energy, or provide comfort throughout the process. Happy formulating!