
Assana Rae Halder
jade egg practice
Assana Rae Halder is a Sacred Sexuality Specialist, focusing on Soul Embodiment through sexual alchemy and empowered self-reclamation. She is a nature lovin’, spirit-guided, visionary truth-teller with a forest nymph vibe and a deep affinity for the intersection of neuroscience and spirituality. With a Master’s Degree in Religion, she focused on holistic healing for those marginalized or spiritually traumatized by the Christian Church through LGBTQ+ identification and/or sexual suppression or abuse.
Visit Rachel at her on her website as well as on Instagram @thesacredandthesexy.

Becca Odom
trauma informed yoga
Becca is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 200) based in Asheville, North Carolina. Her passion is to support and empower others to heal themselves. She runs a private practice, Soulful Mountain Therapy PLLC, where she combines transformational counseling with mindful yoga techniques to create a space for deep emotional, physical and spiritual healing. She works primarily with individuals who identify as women to find and strengthen their voice, take back their power and build a healthier relationship with themselves and their body. She also is the co-founder of Sacred Roots Wellness LLC and runs Yoga for Resiliency and Trauma Recovery trainings nationally.
For more information about her private practice and community yoga classes, you can visit her website: SoulfulMountainTherapy.com or find her on Instagram/Facebook at @soulfulmountaintherapy. For more information about her Yoga for Resiliency and Trauma Recovery Trainings, you can visit YogaForTrauma.com or on Instagram/Facebook at @yogafortrauma.

Ev’Yan Whitney
your sexual liberation journey
Ev’Yan Whitney is a sex educator, sex activist, and sexuality doula who helps facilitate, educate, and hold space for women and femme-identifying individuals who want to heal and liberate their sexuality.
You can find out more about Ev’Yan’s work and read her personal essays at sexloveliberation.com or on Instagram at @evyan.whitney.

Gabriela of Harmonia de la Luz
healing trauma through sacred self love
Gabriela is a trauma focused specialist with over 10 years experience in the healing world, working with Caribbean and Ayurvedic herbology, studying taino and Maroon bush medicine and shamanism, with a focus in sexual abuse and intergration. She has been working with Ayahuasca, San Pedro and doing Amazonian plant dietas for the last two years studying with shipibo and mestizo shamans and a teacher who worked with the Qeros, throughout Peru.
Gabriela follows the model of the mind-body- spirit in her healing methodology. Creating bespoke packages catering to the needs of her clients with veg forward cuisine, Ayurvedic body work, womb clearing, medicine baths, and entheogens that revitalizes, restores and renews.
Her motto is Healing through the power of plant medicine. Teaching clients the care and love that they are their own healer. Gabriela resides currently in Los Angeles but travels, domestically and internationally, to share her work. You can find Gabriela on Instagram @lotofloricato.

Letta Neely
masturbation as self care
Letta is a poet, playwright, mother, teacher, activist, and performer and the founder of Wildheart Press. Twice a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award for poetry, she was named one of The Root’s Top 30 Black Performance Poets in 2012. Read and listen to an interview with Letta here.
In addition to Juba and Here, Letta is the author of the chapbooks When We Were Mud and gawd and alluh huh sistuhs, the plays “Hamartia Blues”, “Last Rites” and “Shackles & Sugar,” and the forthcoming Geographies of Power. Her work has been included in The World in Us, Role Call,and other anthologies.

Luna Dietrich
the pleasure portal & the lover's portal
Luna Dietrich (she/her), aka Pussy Witch, is a pleasure centered Sex Educator who loves helping people love their sexuality. Why? Because your sexuality is important, completely unique to you and loving it can help fill your WHOLE LIFE with more confidence and meaning. From being slut shamed as a teen to losing ALL desire for sex in college…Luna’s been through an emotional cauldron of sexual challenges. It wasn’t until she learned how to receive that she realized her sexuality was a thing to enjoy, rather than something to just give away. Since her pleasurable revelations, she has studied with many different teachers on the subject of body positivity, vulnerability, communication, social justice, sexual energetics, consent, and Eco sexuality. From her personal cosmic orgasms to her ever expanding education, she has found her deepest passion in supporting other humans embrace their bodies, their sexuality, and their life. You can usually find her playing with plants, dancing in 6 inch heels, or buried in a book about sex and social justice.
To learn more, go to her website www.lunadietrich.com or visit her on Instagram (where she spends the most time) @pusssywitch. You can also find Luna on Facebook and Pinterest.

erotic breathwork
M’kali-Hashiki is a Renegade Sexual Mystic; A Tour Guide to the realm of Eros; & a Teacher of Somatic Erotic Possibilities. She holds certifications in Sexological Bodywork; Sound, Voice, & Music Healing; and Tantric Sacred Intimacy. A published essayist; a former professional social justice organizer; and an Ifa devoteé, she believes the sexual & the spiritual are irrevocably intertwined. Her politics, spirituality, and lived experience as a queer, feminist, polyamourous, middle-aged, fat, kinky, Black Femme Dyke trauma survivor inform all aspects of her work.
She is the author of the popular ebook “Turn Your Junk Into Treasure: Five Steps To Deepening Your Relationship With Your Nethers“. She offers both individual sessions & transformational group journeys helping QTIPOC & allied folk access their erotic energy for radical transformation fuel. She also offers Enstatic Breathwork™ For Collaboration & Employee Wellness to companies & social justice non-profits.
For more information on her work, visit her website: FiercePassions, or find her on Twitter @MkHashiki, Instagram @fierce_passions, and Facebook.

Muse Lokajickova
alchemy for the root
Muse Lokajickova is an alchemist by nature and an educator and practitioner by vocation. She holds a master’s degree in Chinese medicine and acupuncture and has completed advanced training with Tami Kent, MSPT and Rosita Arvigo, DN. Muse has over a decade of practice in bodywork, herbalism and natural medicine. Her work is centered around our capacity to reside more fully in our bodies and be in relationship with the wisdom housed in our organs. In her private practice, she has worked one on one with hundreds of people addressing the health of uterine, ovarian, pelvic floor and vulvo-vaginal systems.
Learn more about Muse and her work at medicineofthefeminine.com or on instagram @medicineofthefeminine

Pavini Moray
pussy liberation front
Pavini Moray is a somatic sex therapist in private practice in San Francisco. Pavini helps clients struggling with sex and intimacy to communicate more effectively, to feel more sensation and pleasure, and to have greater capacity for closeness, within one year or less. As a queer trans witch, Pavini walks the glitter path of dancing bones, ridiculous delight and old magick.
Find out more at Emancipating-Sexuality.com or check out Pavini’s podcast Bespoken Bones: Ancestors at the crossroads of sex, magick and science. Also visit Pavini at TrancestralHealing.com.

Rhiannon Morsch
spirit-led processes to heal wounded sexual energy
Rhiannon Morsch, CHT is a healing guide and intuitive channel. Her toolbox includes a broad range of healing processes that are informed by her extensive training in Depth Hypnosis, Shamanic Methods (offered through the lens of her Celtic ancestry), and Energy Medicine. She is also a Reiki Master and Tarot Reader. In sessions her formal training is interwoven with her ability to work very closely with spirit to channel through healing techniques that are both powerful, un-nameable and beyond the confines of time and space. Her practice supports trauma healing, sexual healing, ancestor work, past-life work, reprogramming of subconscious beliefs, spirit-guide connection, and more. Her offerings support all gender identities, including queer, and gender non-conforming folk. Her healing practice is located in Berkeley, CA, and she also works over distance with clients from all over the world.
Connect with Rhiannon on her website or on Instagram @rhiannonmorsch.

Ruth Elliot
pussy massage
Ruth Elliot is a Physical Therapist, teacher, and vocal performer. As a PT in Asheville NC, she specializes in pelvic health for those with vaginal canals. She focuses her hands-on healing on pregnant and postpartum women to help them protect, strengthen, and heal their pussies. Ruth teaches locally, nationally, and online bridging modern pelvic science and ancient pelvic wisdom. Pelvic health science includes practical insights like how to have a more satisfying orgasm, stop leaking pee, and strengthen loose kegels. Pelvic wisdom includes metaphysical insights including how ancestral patterns, personal traumas, and unprocessed emotions impact physical pelvic health and what to do about it. Ruth lives her calling: to promote a healthy inner feminine in each of us so our vibrant inner masculine can be restored.
Ruth is committed to presenting these topics in an accessible and entertaining way. She loves camping, canning, and randomly singing opera in public. Check her online course website for an ever-expanding list of videos and classes. Her local practice can be found at www.AshevilleHolisticPT.com and you can connect with her on Instagram at @ashevilleholisticpt or Facebook.

Sylvia Linsteadt
the indigenous ground of old europe, the first dragons, & the pythia
Sylvia V. Linsteadt is the author of the middle-grade fantasy novel The Wild Folk, a short story collection called Our Lady of the Dark Country, and the folkloric novel Tatterdemalion with artist Rima Staines, as well as two books about the cultural and natural history of the San Francisco Bay Area, where she is from. She ran an online study guild called Witchlines in spring and summer of 2018, which explored the Neolithic roots of indigenous European witchcraft traditions.
You can find Sylvia on her website as well as on her Patreon. Connect with her on social media on her Facebook or on twitter @WildTalewort.

Evelyn Ojeda-Fox
reclaiming your power after a difficult or traumatic Birth
Evelyn is a Hypnotist Coaching the Unconscious Mind, Transformational Mentor, and Energy Coach. Her techniques communicate with all parts of the mind creating rapid, positive, and lasting change. For two decades she has been facilitating transformations during pregnancy and postpartum primarily with individuals who identify as women. Her specialty is guiding birthing people and birth professionals to reclaim their power after a difficult birth and see themselves and their birth story in a new light.
Check her website for more information about her private practice and to request a free consultation. You can also connect with Evelyn on Instagram @evelyn.transformational.mentor