We at One Willow believe deeply that the knowledge this course highlights belongs to everyone. It is our birthright to remember how to connect to plants and co-create magic from that relationship within our wider lives.
Every year we reserve few dozen spaces in Intuitive Plant Medicine for need-based scholarships. All who are feeling a heartfelt call to be a part of this course, but cannot afford it at this time, are welcome to apply. We also reserve a portion of our scholarships specifically for BIPOC and LGBTQIAP2-S folks, those living with disabilities, as well as those whose work revolves around social justice and serving historically marginalized populations.
Scholarships are limited and we expect to get a lot of really amazing applicants. So please make sure to get your application in by the due date. And also remember to take heart. Trust that everything is unfolding exactly as it should, and know how cherished your interest truly is. Thank you for being here with us.
Applications are due by May 12th, 2024 at 6pm EST

Scholarship Application Instructions
Applications are due by May 12th, 2024 at 6pm EST
Unfortunately, no applications can be accepted after this date. To apply for a scholarship please complete the steps listed below. We will need to receive both your written form and video in order to count your application as complete so don’t forget to send us both!
1. Fill out our written application
The name entered in the form must match the file name of your video, that way we know who you are!
2. Create a video that is no more than three minutes answering the following questions:
1) Why do you want to take this course?
2) Describe your role in your community. How do you envision this practice of Intuitive Plant Medicine supporting greater healing or social change?
3) How do you plan to share the knowledge you gain from this course?
Video Instructions
- Videos will only be accepted in a .mp4 format. We cannot accept videos over 3 minutes. (Please remember this as we really want to receive your application!)
- Videos may be created on any device as long as they are in .mp4. Free file converters are available online and can be found with a Google search.
- Save your video file with your full name, i.e. AsiaSuler.mp4.
- Upload your video file to Dropbox. If you don’t already have a Dropbox account you can sign up for free at www.dropbox.com.
- Once your file is finished uploading, click the blue Share button to the right of the file.
- In the ‘To’ field, enter [email protected] and click Share.
We will email you by May 14th to let you know the final word on your application.
And now for the inevitable question… The video instructions seem complicated! I’m wondering if I could do something a little easier?
I know, they do seem kinda involved don’t they? But the thing we’ve realized is, they are probably a good barometer of whether or not taking the course is feasible for you right now. Intuitive Plant Medicine is an online course, so that means it involves good access to a computer and a little bit of tech savvy. Online learning is not perfect (in terms of accessibility for all) but it is a great way to reach so many people. If the steps of sending a video application above seem too complicated then it’s probably a great early indicator that taking an online course like this might cause you a bit of head scratching as well. Take it in stride. And if you need any additional help please email us at [email protected].